Adding the ?sort_id tag to the end of an IDX link will allow you to set the sort:
New or Recently Changed |
?sort_id=new_or_recently_changed_first | new_or_recently_changed_first |
Low to High | ?sort_id=price_low_to_high | price_low_to_high |
High to Low | ?sort_id=price_high_to_low | price_high_to_low |
Status | ?sort_id=status | status |
City |
?sort_id=city |
Bedrooms | ?sort_id=bedrooms | bedrooms |
Bathrooms | ?sort_id=bathrooms | bathrooms |
You can also choose a custom sort from the link dropdown and append the URL variable to the end of any link: ?sort_id=20160805132942535145000000x