What Do I Do If My MLS Merges With Another?

In the event that your MLS merges with another MLS there are a few steps you will need to take to ensure uninterrupted IDX service on your website.


Flexmls IDX SmartFrame Customers: 

We’ve gone into your new system, logged in as you, and created an MLS Search link and a My Listings link for you (Preferences > IDX Manager). If you have custom saved search links on your website, you will need to re-create those links under your new MLS system login.  At that point, you will need to replace your current website links with the new ones on your website.  If you have any questions or problems, you can email our support team at idxsupport@flexmls.com


Flexmls IDX WordPress Plugin Customers: 

Since this is a new database, WordPress Plugin customers will need to have new credentials issued for their WordPress Plugin and re-install these credentials to your website. To obtain your new credentials, you should email idxsupport@flexmls.com with subject line: Need new WordPress credentials for new MLS. Please include your new MLS username. We will then email you back with the new credentials which you can forward to your webmaster or re-install them yourself. There are also a few other steps you may need to take to make sure your widgets are working properly. Here is some documentation on that. 

Additionally for WordPress Plugin customers, we’ve gone in and created an Active Listings link (Preferences > IDX Manager) for you. If you have custom saved search links on your site, you will need to re-create those links under the new MLS system and replace your old database links with the new ones. 

Should you run into any problems, please email us at idxsupport@flexmls.com as we are eager to help you with a smooth transition!